GlowBug Technologies

Data Center Managed Services

Data Center Managed Services are a set of IT services delivered and managed by a third-party provider, typically in a dedicated facility or cloud environment. These services can include:

Physical Infrastructure Management: Providing and managing the physical infrastructure, such as servers, storage, and networking equipment, within the data center.

Virtualization Management: Managing virtualized environments within the data center, such as VMware or Hyper-V.

Backup & Disaster Recovery: Providing off-site backups of data and applications and disaster recovery services to minimize downtime in case of an outage.

Security Management: Providing security services, such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, and VPNs, to protect data and applications within the data center.

Monitoring & Analytics: Providing real-time monitoring of infrastructure and applications and analytics to help identify performance bottlenecks and potential security threats.

Cloud Management: Helping organizations move their applications and data to the cloud and manage the migration process.

Helpdesk & IT support: Providing round-the-clock support for IT issues, such as system outages, software bugs, and security breaches.

Compliance Management: Helping organizations to maintain compliance with various regulatory standards, such as HIPAA, SOC 2, and PCI DSS.

Power & Environmental Management: Managing the power and cooling systems of the data center to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Asset Management: Managing the inventory and lifecycle of hardware assets within the data center.
