GlowBug Technologies

Cloud Managed Services

Our cloud managed services include a wide range of IT functions, such as:

Network and security management: Providing firewall protection, intrusion detection and prevention, VPN, and other security services.

Database management: Providing cloud-based databases, such as MySQL, SQL Server, and MongoDB, and managing their performance, security, and backups.

Backup and disaster recovery: Providing off-site backups of data and applications and disaster recovery services to minimize downtime in case of an outage.

Monitoring and analytics: Providing real-time infrastructure and applications monitoring and analytics to help identify performance bottlenecks and potential security threats.

Cloud migration: Helping organizations move their applications and data to the cloud and manage the migration process.

Cloud-native development: Helping organizations develop and deploy cloud-native applications using technologies like containers and serverless computing.

Helpdesk and IT support: Providing round-the-clock support for IT issues, such as system outages, software bugs, and security breaches.

Compliance management: Helping organizations maintain compliance with various regulatory standards, such as HIPAA, SOC 2, and PCI DSS.

By outsourcing these services, organizations can reduce costs, increase operational efficiencies, and focus on their core business activities.

Expertise (Public/private Cloud Applications)